Wednesday, April 30, 2008


I USED to love this site.

Put in a lot of time making it look like this.

But then...

1. It's like a snail...sooslooooow to download

( I actually feel like getting old while waiting for it).

2. It's makes my PC crash all the time (Just imagine the frustration of probably losing all my blogs).

3. Youtube isn't always connected to it (no moving pics makes for a boring site).

4. I still don't understand half the instructions it gives regarding how to manage my site (remember I AM a monkey?).

5. I always get this message: "Not Responding. Try Again Later".

Well, I just got tired of "trying again later". I've decided to move to under the name confusedconfucious.

  1. It's like a turtle now. Definitely much faster than a snail.

  2. With a lot less subcribers, I think it won't crash in the future (I'll keep my hairy fingers crossed).

  3. Youtube vids are available in a bigger format right between the blogs (not thumbnails!)

  4. It responds to my beck and call.

  5. I figured out how it works in just a couple of days. (I think.)

I'm happier monkey now.

If you don't see any new post after this, visit the links I've attached right here and see you all on my new and improved site: